Digital Transformation tips for small business

Find simple digital transformation tips for small businesses to improve productivity, delight customers and grow faster in the digital age.

Rosin | 21 May 2024

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Digital Transformation tips for small business

Tips to note while transforming your local business into digital

Are you having trouble getting recognition from the customers for your local business which has a good chance to get hit on the online market?We all know how tough it was in the covid time every business counting from the bigger giants to the smallest street shops had its fall at the time.

No worries, we are going to transfer our local business into a digital transformation on social platform get more users for our store and we are going to share some tips to get your business online with ease. Normally average users spend about 2hrs on social media so now you all would have guessed what we are going to do in the first step, social media is the step which we are gonna follow. Storefries will guide you for digital transformation to your local business without any mess check it out for 14 days free trial

tips-to-note-while-transforming your local business into digital

Local marketing, as the name mentioned, concentrates on promoting the business inside a restricted geographical region. Local business using geographical region targets potential clients in and around the actual area of the business or as per the region that would prompt higher traffic. Area-based advertising functions admirably for brands that have actual stores and are not confined to digital businesses as it were in the olden days. This methodology particularly helps in running worldwide missions with restricted objective gatherings. Restricted advertising can be effectively executed as an essential promoting system for any help, item, or business.

We are going to market our products and store on social media to get more views to create awareness of the store or the brand with which we are currently working. Posting In Social media necessarily doesn’t mean posting on all the platforms which we know without the basic knowledge of the platform purpose.

What is digital transformation?

Digital transformation for small businesses uses modern technology to change how it does its business and serves its customers. It uses tools like cloud computing and automation to improve processes, improve customer experience and stay competitive.

It’s about making business faster, more efficient and more efficient in meeting customer needs.

Analyse which platform drives high traffic

Try storefries social media analytics a social media insight tool to get the data from which social media platform your website is getting the highest traffic, and focus on developing the strategy you use to increase the current value We have plenty of free tools online to analyse social media insights and to develop them.

Analyse which platform drives high traffic

Good Brand name

Keeping a positive brand name is the most important key towards creating client dedication and also guaranteeing the commitment that the buyer would come again towards our service. By having the presence of your store into digital store on social media, customers who have not been satisfied with us can directly communicate with us and this helps to build a good customer relationship and trust. The customer board assists in keeping a relationship with the endorser/customer who is a potential assessment pioneer and can drive traffic.

Good Brand name


While changing everything into Digital we need to concentrate on the feedback shared by the customers which can also get more traffic to the website. Did you know most of the people who buy products online tend to check the reviews before they buy the specified product? So most importantly we need to note down all the positive reviews from the customers.


Customer Support

Reacting to reviews and adding survey choices for occasions is one more trick that we can apply for our audience to reach out. It delivers fabulous higher review esteem. After getting the reviews we need to frequently reply to all the reviews with gratitude and thank them for their support towards our store. This will help us to maintain a good relationship with the customer.

Customer Support

Optimised Content with location-based

Limiting information distribution to specific geological areas helps focus on the local community. This approach avoids reaching people in other regions. To improve your image with the general public, consider attending their social events occasionally.

Use online marketing platforms to address any issues related to your brand and its local presence. Ensure consistent brand identity across all local pages and verify them.

Optimised Content with location-based

Why is digital transformation important for small business?

Digital transformation is essential for any business, no matter the size or industry. Here are some reasons why Digital transformation can help professionals:

  • Works quickly and accurately

  • Save money and reduce additional costs

  • Keep customers happy, so they keep coming back

  • Strengthen teamwork and cooperation

  • Support and explore new ways to make money digitally

Business leaders say the top three benefits of a good small business digital transformation plan are:

1. Excellent production efficiency (40%) .

2. Faster time to market (36%) .

3. Meeting growing customer expectations (35%) .

Research shows that these benefits save money. According to Gartner, 56% of CEOs say digital growth has helped them grow profitably. The Forrester Customer Experience Index also shows that nearly 40% of companies outperforming their competitors have a fully integrated digital strategy

COVID-19 has shown that going digital is very important and urgent. Businesses had to use digital channels to survive as individual stores and events dropped out. Now, the message is clear: go digital or get out of business. There are 5 billion people on the internet, and more than 90% of people in developed countries use the internet. Many people shop, compare and check reviews on social media, not just websites.

In addition, there are many ways to access the internet, such as mobile, tablets, virtual assistants and computers, a number that will continue to grow if there is ever a time to invest in digitalization, it’s now.

What does digital transformation look like for small businesses?

Is your business drowning in paperwork? Are important documents bursting through your file cabinets on the line? The cost of document maintenance can be really high.

For small businesses, going digital means converting those paper documents into digital files, installing a digital inventory system, using digital tools to improve customer experience, improve security, and so on.

Storefries can help your small business digital transformation make the arrangements you need to connect with a trusted source in your area without breaking the bank. During the transition, your existing documents will be professionally viewed using advanced technology. These digital files can then be stored in the cloud or on a digital file system, making it easier to browse and even modify as needed.

Any documents you need to keep can be safely stored in a passive location, where it will be safe and accessible when you need it.

Switching to a paperless system makes it much easier for your employees to find, share and update documents and information. In addition, business analytics and trend monitoring are easier when everything is online, helping to keep your business competitive.

paper work digital files

How your small business can be digital

That may seem straightforward for the large corporations McKinsey typically advises, but small businesses also need to evolve into digital enterprises. Salesforce, in a blog post, acknowledges that “with the demands of small business ownership, you may be wondering if you have the capacity to take on a digital transformation.” However, it assures that enhancing your digital presence “is not as daunting as you may think” and is crucial for small businesses to connect with customers and promote growth.

A Small Business Digital Transformation survey indicates that small businesses undergoing digital transformation experienced eight times the revenue growth compared to those without digital initiatives.

Before embarking on digital transformation, it’s important to understand what it entails. Salesforce clarifies:

  • Digitization involves “the shift from analog to digital, such as converting paper records into digital scans.”
  • Digitalization introduces “new, efficient tools into older business models,” such as “incorporating record-keeping software into your business.”

  • Digital transformation is “leveraging technology to disrupt your business model, reimagine your company image, and engage customers.”

Driving digital transformation for small business

Evaluate your company. Identify areas for improvement by conducting an internal assessment of your largest gaps and desired changes. Involve everyone in the company in this process. Many free assessment tools are available online to “help you identify your current level of digitization, compare your digital maturity to your peers, and discover any potential for improvement.”

Driving digital transformation for small business

Prioritize your plan. After the assessment, discuss your company’s biggest challenges with your team and how technology can address them. This could be as simple as adding a chat tool to your site to enhance customer service.

Analyze your data. Salesforce describes data analytics as “the practice of examining large and diverse sets of data from different sources to get insights that help in decision-making for your company.” For a small business, data may come from a website, social media pages, email campaigns, or sales receipts.

Choose your budget and time frame

Small businesses often have limited funds and time. Then decide what your strengths are and plan your program accordingly. Look for reliable partners and agencies with sufficient experience to help implement new systems, tools and business processes. This will streamline your process and save you additional costs.

Identify areas for improvement

List the main problems your business faces. If your employees work from home, helping them collaborate remotely can improve day-to-day operations. Prioritize your issues as short-term, mid-term, and long-term needs.

Consult and inform your staff about the digital transformation changes

Digital business transformation is changing how your organization works, so people are the key to success. Talk to your employees to find out their needs and challenges, where they are wasting time and how to improve customer experience. This will help you prioritize and show employees why these changes are necessary and beneficial.

Think about the long term and plan for it

Digital transformation is an ongoing process. Don’t just think about your current needs; Plan for the future as well. Think about your growth rate and how you expect your business to grow in the next 3 to 5 years.

Get expert guidance

Small businesses can’t afford a digital transformation consultant, but you can still seek guidance. Use vendor expertise to inform your strategy and find the best providers to help you achieve your goals.

Partner with appropriate technology and service partners

All the information you’ve gathered, choose technology and service vendors wisely. Find a company that understands your industry and can give you insight into your customers. The right partner will ensure that the technology you acquire is efficient and easy for your employees to use on a daily basis.

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The benefits of a digital transformation

Going through digital transformation for your company may seem like a huge task, but it has many benefits, including:

  1. Increases efficiency and productivity: Digital tools streamline business processes, automate repetitive tasks, and provide real-time data and insights. This keeps your business running smoothly and keeps your employees focused on making money, so they produce more.
  2. Expand Your Market: Digital platforms and online stores allow you to reach more customers beyond your local area.
  3. Save money: Going digital can reduce your costs. Automation means you need fewer employees, using cloud services is cheaper than buying expensive hardware and software, and digital marketing, like on social media, is cheaper than traditional advertising
  4. Be agile and adaptable: Digital technology helps you react faster to changes in the market, try new ideas, and adapt faster.
  5. Improve collaboration and communication: Online collaboration and collaboration tools, such as video calling and project management apps, are really helpful, especially if most of your work is online or mixed online and in person.
  6. Data analysis helps you understand how customers find you, what they do or don’t buy, how and when they shop, and what devices they use. This allows you to identify customer patterns and tailor your marketing and sales strategies accordingly. For example, if you know when your customers shop online, you can schedule social media posts to capture their attention at those times.

Consider outside help. If this still feels overwhelming, think about hiring a consultant to help you review and understand the data, or invest in the right technology.

Conclusion: Change your business today with Storefries

A wise man once said, “When digital transformation is done right, it’s like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, but when done wrong, all you have is a really fast caterpillar”. Embracing digital transformation and embracing new technologies enables you to deliver exceptional customer experiences, foster customer loyalty, and facilitate business expansion and growth.

The team at Storefries is experienced in helping businesses of all sizes with digital transformation for small business . We understand the needs of small businesses because we are one! Let us match you with an affordable and secure partner in your area that meets all your digitization needs.

Simply fill out the form or call us for a free, no-obligation fee on the Services. Our representatives are ready to answer your questions and get you started.