Facebook ad mistakes you need to know before working on it

This is our guide to Stop making these common Facebook ad mistakes. Check out this list of Facebook ad errors and how to fix them!

Kasthuri | 20 May 2024

Total Views: 47
Facebook ad mistake you need to know before working on it

Facebook is a popular platform. In fact, it’s the most popular social platform in the world, with 2.8 billion monthly users, 60 million of whom are Facebook business pages.

Facebook is one of the best online advertising platforms and should definitely be a big part of a business’ marketing strategy. But many still find it hard to get good results – according to Weebly, up to 62% of small business owners say their Facebook ads aren’t meeting their goals.

If you get your Facebook advertising campaign right, you can get a great return on your investment. But if you don’t get it right, you’ll waste valuable time and money, and your campaign will be less effective.

4 Facebook Ad Mistakes

Here are 4 Facebook Ad Mistakes to Avoid:

  1. Fail to using video advertising
  2. Poor audience targeting

  3. Choosing the wrong campaign objective

  4. Not analyzing ad results

1. Fail to use video ads

If you’re not using video in your Facebook ads, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. A recent survey found that most consumers prefer video ads to image ads, with nearly 7 in 10 finding Facebook ads worthy. Video is fun, gives you more time to cover content, and keeps viewers in your ad longer.

When creating video ads, you will find that even with the same budget, videos can reach a much larger audience than images. This is because Facebook notices that people stay on your ad longer, which is an important part of the Facebook algorithm advertising strategy. Video advertising is more important than ever for your business, so don’t make the mistake of not using it!

Fail to use video ads

Check out our recent blog to learn more about the benefits of Facebook video advertising or get in touch to see how our e-commerce video advertising service can help you launch your videos.

2.Poor audience targeting

The main goal of advertising on Facebook is to show your ads to a large number of people who find it relevant and are genuinely interested in your product or service. Remember, just because more people see your ads doesn’t mean more people will buy your products or services. 

With 60 million business pages on Facebook, it’s important to target your audience carefully. Otherwise, your ads can get lost in the mass flow. 

Poor audience targeting

So, for any Facebook campaign, make sure to set up the right custom audience.

How to target a Facebook audience

Here are some key points to keep in mind when targeting an audience. 

  • Demographics: Consider factors such as age, gender, location, and income. 
  • Interests and Hobbies: Consider the interests and interests of your potential customers. 
  • Engagement: Target people who have recently engaged (liked, commented, or followed) your page. These people are likely to be very interested in your business. 
  • Behavior: Target your ads based on customer behaviors such as prior purchases and device usage.

3. Choosing the wrong campaign goal

Choosing the right campaign goals structures your entire Facebook ad campaign and can be an important step in the right direction. When running your ads on Facebook, you have a wide range of ad goals to choose from, such as brand awareness, traffic, engagement, video views, messaging, and conversions, to name a few. 

Choosing the wrong campaign goal

Advertising Mistakes on Facebook Destroying Your Campaigns

Mistake 1: You don’t have a Facebook strategy

The first mistake in advertising is not having a strategy. If you’re running Facebook ads without a proper strategy in place, you’re not going to see the desired results from your campaigns. You may also be burning money in your work bank account. 

You wouldn’t run TV and radio ads if you had no strategy, so treat Facebook ads with planning and attention to detail as you would any other marketing channel especially the thing about Facebook ads is that the barrier to entry is low so much so that people jump straight in without a second thought. 

If you only boost your posts from your page or run campaigns occasionally, you make this mistake. Develop the right Facebook strategy before your next campaign. 

Here’s how to get started. 

Identify your end goal and work backward. What do you want to get out of your Facebook ads? More sales, more referrals, more webinar registrations? 

Divide the audience into three temperature categories: cold, hot, and warm.

 Based on the temperature of your audience, plan your campaign accordingly. ALL PLANNING strategies (Awareness, Level 1, Level 2 re-marketing) help facilitate this process. 

Mistake 1

Awareness campaigns are content-driven and target cool audiences. The goal is to capture engagement with brands and turn them into warm audiences, either through video views or ad engagement. 

Level 1 campaigns target warm audiences who have previously engaged with your insightful ads. These people are sent to your website to do something you have set as your ultimate goal, such as making a purchase or inquiring about leads. 

Level 2 campaigns target a hot audience. These campaigns are aimed at people who have visited your website but have yet to take the final step of converting them into customers or customers.

Mistake 2: You’re Not Tracking Conversions

The second advertising mistake is forgetting to install conversion tracking or installing it on the wrong web pages. This is different from the main Facebook Pixel. I’ll show you the standard event code you should add to the side of your Facebook pixel. 

Here’s how it works: You place a piece of standard event code under your Facebook pixel on specific pages of your website where you want to monitor a specific event. For example, adding it to your confirmation of purchase page or subscription page for a particular lead magnet.

The way you add standard event code to your website depends on the platform it is built on. For WordPress, you can use plugins like PixelCat or PixelYourSite. With Shopify, you just use your Pixel ID and handle the rest yourself. 

Mistake 1

To learn how to use conversion events on your website effectively, visit the Pixels dashboard in Ads Manager. Click your pixel on the dashboard, then click Set Up in the top right corner. You will see three options: Integration, Manual, and Developer. Select Manual and then select the “install events” tab. 

Choose your business type from the list below (options include automotive, e-commerce, financial services, property, travel, and technology). Facebook will then identify the most appropriate standard events for your type of work and give you guidance on how to best use them. Click on each event to view the corresponding event code.

Mistake 3: Testing Only One Ad

The next ad error results in only one ad in your campaign. This error usually occurs when using Guided Create Workflow or Quick Create Workflow in Ads Manager. 

If you only have one ad in a campaign, you’re limiting the messaging, ads, and creativity you can reach your target audience. Essentially, you are limiting the potential outcomes. 

Experimenting with different messages in your ad copy and with different creatives for multiple ads helps determine which one best resonates with your target audience and provides the best results for your work. 

Mistake 3

To work around this, use the duplicate feature after creating your first ad. This makes it easy to create copy and then adjust the format, copy, and creative elements you want to test. 

Here’s how to do it.

  • Go to the ad level of your campaign in Ads Manager. 
  • Select your ad and click the duplicate button. 
  • With the first campaign selected, click Duplicate. 
  • A new announcement will be made. 
  • Rename it and change the variables you want to test.

4. Not analyzing the effects of advertising

No matter how great your campaigns are, it’s important to constantly monitor them and learn how to improve current and future campaigns. If you don’t monitor your ads regularly, how will you know if they are achieving your goals? 

Not analyzing the effects of advertising

When analyzing your campaign, focus on these key areas: 

Keeping a close eye on these metrics helps you identify and stop potentially money-losing campaigns, and move forward with the ones that best meet your goals.

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